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Catalog of Church Slavonic Primers - Церковнославянские азбуки и буквари

Note: In general, the terms "Азбука" and "Букварь" are interchangeable, but the use of "Азбука" typically was used for titles of northern and eastern Russian (Muscovite, etc.) editions, while the term "Букварь" was typically used for southern and western Russian (Belorussian and Ukrainian) editions. The terms, however, were not always used strictly according to this concept.

In listing all the known editions of the Primer, I had originally thought that dividing them according to pre- and post-Nikonian editions would be a useful way to divide them, but I abandoned this strategy after observing that south and west Slavic editions frequently did not match the contents of the north Slavic editions, in grammar, syntax, spellings, and phrasings which commonly divide the pre- and post-Nikonian forms of Church Slavonic. Therefore, I decided that a chronological catalogue made more sense. Undoubtedly, there are some mistakes in this catalog, and all corrections or additional information would be gratefully received by the editor.

Defective books in National Library of Russia - reasons:

A) Pages accidentally omitted or skipped during the scanning process. In most cases, sinces the scans were made of facing pages, the verso and recto pages are missing, so one can surmise that the scan was unintentionally omitted.
B) Pages are missing from the original source. In some cases, the beginning and/or ending pages are missing due to heavy usage, but in a few cases the pages must have fallen out from the middle of the book.
C) In a few sources, the scan were made properly, but during the processing, the pages were accidentally switched or shuffled, scrambling the correct order of pagination.

I. Historical Editions

1561 Тюбинген Букварь [PDF] "Табла за дицу"
? (Львов?) Азбука   The “Undated Primer” – There are two copies (presumably the only known examples) preserved at Trinity College Library, Cambridge. These were possibly printed by Ivan Fedorov between 1565 and 1591. The text is the same as the 1574 Azbuka (Fedorov), but without a postface, and the front and the end are slightly different from the 1574 edition. The title of this book is “Начало учения детемъ хотящимъ разумети писание”.
1574 Львов Азбука (Букварь-грамматика, 1-е издание) [PDF-low resolution]

This was published by Ivan Fedorov. The only known existing copy is preserved at Harvard University Library.

1578 Львов Азбука (Букварь-грамматика, 2-е издание)   (information is forthcoming)
1587 Острог Азбука [PDF-low resolution]
This is a close reprint of the "Undated Primer".
1593-1601 Вильна Азбука  

A copy of this is preserved in the Bodleain Library, Oxford University. It is similar to the 1574 Azbuka (Fedorov).

1596 Вильна Азбука (Букварь) [PDF]

Зизаний Лаврентий, Зизаний Стефан (авторы), Азбука. - Вильна : Тип. Братства. (Из фондов РНБ, the order of the pages of this digital copy seem to be scrambled.) This book contains a Primar and a brief Lexicon (Dictionary).

1596 Вильна Часослов и Азбука   The Azbuka portion of this book is a close reprint of the "Undated Primer", and was printed by Lavrentii Zizanii. (There were two printings of this book in the same year.)
1596 Вильна Часослов и Азбука   Часослов и Азбука – 2nd edition.
1597 Венеция Азбука   Азбуки (multiple editions?) - This Azbuka for Serbs appeared in Venice in 1597, but information is still incomplete.
1598 Острог Азбука    
1618 Вильна Грамматика славянского языка.   (Букварь, Изд. 2-е.) A copy of this is preserved in the Bodleain Library, Oxford University, and a microfilm copy is located at Harvard University.
1618 Евьев Букварь   Букварь Языка Славенска. Евье: тип. Братская - это «руковожение» подготовлено иноками Виленского монастыря, 24 июля 1618.
1621 Вильна Грамматика славянского языка. [PDF]

(Букварь, Изд. 3-е.) This book, which is a reprint of the 1618 Vilna Primer, and has the same incorrect titling, contains a text which is rather close to the 1574 Azbuka of Ivan Fedorov. The only known copies are located at Trinity College Library, Cambridge, and at the National Library of Russia. It is incorrectly titled, as it seems to be merely a Primer (Azbuka, Bukvar) and not a Grammar (Grammatik).
(Из фондов РНБ. This digital edition is slightly defective, with some missing pages.)

1627 Киев Букварь [PDF] Printed by Timofei Verbitskii. [html: Буквар Тимофія Вербицького 1627] - fragments
1631 Кутеин Букварь   Букварь Спиридона Соболя - [PDF - А.У. Русецкі, Ю.А. Русецкі - «Букварь» з Куцейны (source)] Титульный лист.
В Орше презентовали «Букварь» 1631 года.
1634 Москва Азбука (1-е издание) [PDF] Бурцов-Протопопов Василий - printed by Protopop Vasilii Fedorov Burtsev, quite similer to the 1621 Azbuka (second entry). First edition.
Азбука, напечатанная в Москве Василием Бурцовым. 6.VII. – 20.VIII.7142(1634).
1636 Кутеин Букварь   Букварь Спиридона Соболя
1637 Вильна (или Могилев?) Букварь  
1637 Москва Азбука (2-е издание) [PDF, copy 1]
[PDF, copy 2]

Бурцов-Протопопов Василий - 2nd edition of the 1634 Azbuka. A copy is preserved at Harvard University Library. (Из фондов РНБ. There are two copies of this book in the National Library of Russia, each of which are defective because they are missing some pages. These copies are made available here for viewing.) Since this Azbuka was reprinted by the Old Believers in 1781 and 1885, it is recommended that the 1885 edition be viewed in order to see a complete and faithful copy of the 1637 edition.)
Букварь языка славенска, сиречь начало учения детем. Московский печатный двор, 1637.

1640 Вильна Букварь    
1643 Москва Азбука [PDF] Азбука Василия Бурцова - 3nd edition of the 1634 Azbuka.
1645 Вильна Букварь    
1648 Могилев Букварь    
1649 Могилев Букварь    
1652 Вильна Букварь языка Славенска [PDF] (Из фондов РНБ. This digital edition is slightly defective, with some missing pages.) A copy of this is also preserved in the St. Petersburg Public Library.
1653 Кутеин Букварь языка Славенска [PDF] Кутеинский монастырь
1657 Москва Букварь языка Славенска [PDF] 1-е изд. (Из фондов РНБ, pages 112-113 are missing from this digital copy.)
1664 Москва Букварь языка Славенска [PDF] 2-е изд. (Из фондов РНБ.) Printed under Tsar Alexei. The textual content seems to be correct, but the pages numbers seem to be out of order or confusing.
1664 Киев Букварь языка Славенска [PDF] (Из фондов РНБ, This digital edition is slightly defective, with some missing pages from the front of the book.)
1669 Москва Букварь [PDF] (Из фондов РНБ, the beginning pages are missing from this digital copy.)
1671 Львов Букварь языка Славенска [PDF]  
1679 Москва Букварь [PDF] Букварь Симеона Полоцкого. (Из фондов РНБ, pages 85-86 are missing from this digital copy.)
1681 Унев Букварь языка Славенска [PDF] Уневский монастырь. (Из фондов РНБ.) This digital edition is slightly defective, with dubious page numbering or ordering, and it appears that some pages from another book were added to the front and back. (Букварь языка Славенска)
1686 Киев Букварь    
1690 Львов Букварь   во Львове Войцеха Мальчевского
1691 Москва Букварь   Истомин Карион «Азбука» (1-й рисованный вариант)
1692 Львов Букварь языка Славенска [PDF] во Львове Ставроп., 32 л. (Из фондов РНБ, page 8 is missing from this digital copy.)
1694 Москва Букварь [PDF]
[PDF, another scan]
Истомин Карион «Азбука» (2-й печатный вариант). Иеромонах Карион (Истомин; конец. 1640-х — 15 мая 1722) — иеромонах московского Чудова монастыря, писатель, придворный поэт, глава Московского печатного двора (4 марта 1698 — 15 ноября 1701).
1696 Москва Букварь языка Славенска [PDF] Букварь языка Славенска, Карион Истомин.
(после 1697 года) Киев Букварь    
1698 Унев Букварь Славенскій   59 л.
1701 Москва Букварь славено-греко-латинский [PDF - low resolution]
[PDF - medium]
[PDF - high]


1710 Львов Букварь Славенскій   во Львове Ставроп., 32 л.
1739 Москва Первое учение отроком [PDF] Первое учение отроком, по церковно-грузинскии
1753 Киев Первое учение отроком [PDF] Первое учение отроком
1759 Москва Первое учение отроком [PDF] Первое учение отроком
1761 Супрасль Букварь славянского языка [PDF]  
1767 Вильна Букварь славянского языка [PDF]  
1767 Венеция Букварь [PDF] Букварь Захария Орфелинова. Первое учение хотящым учитися книг писмены Славенскими, называемое Букварь. (Reprinted in Bech, Serbia, 1792.)
1782 Вильна Букварь языка славянского [PDF]  
1790 Львовъ Букварь языка Славенскаго   Букварь языка Славенскаго, чтенія и писанія учащимся въ полезное руковожденіе. тип. при хр. Успенія
1792 Супрасль Букварь языка Славенска [PDF]  
1797 Москва Букварь [PDF]  

II. Modern Editions (and Reprints)

1781 Москва Азбука [PDF] Москва, Тип. Единоверцев, reprint of 1637 edition (Азбука Василия Бурцова), but with modern ending
1866 Киев Славянский или церковный букварь [PDF] Киев, Тип. Киево-Печерской Лавры.
1885 Москва Азбука [PDF] [source] Москва, Тип. Единоверцев, reprint of 1637 edition (Азбука Василия Бурцова), but with modern ending
1910-1918 (estimate) Москва Азбука [PDF] [HTML] Москва, Преображенский богодельный дом. (Fedoseevtsy)
1913 Москва Азбука для начального учения [PDF] Москва, Московская старообрядческая книгопечатня. (Priested Old Believers)
1915 Москва Азбука для начального учения [PDF] Москва, Московская старообрядческая книгопечатня. (Priested Old Believers) Издание третие.
?   Азбука [PDF] unidentified Azbuka/Bukvar'
? USA Азбука [PDF] printed by Archpriest Dimitrii Alexandrov (later became Edinoverets Bishop Daniel of Erie)

III. Miscellaneous Materials

Азбука гражданская, 1877 г. [PDF]

1820 – Азбука или начальное учение людям, хотящим учиться книгам Божественного писания (рукописная книга, staropomor.ru) [PDF]

IV. Research Materials

А.В. Вознесенский (Санкт-Петербург) – Кириллические книги для обучения грамоте XVI–XVII веков [PDF]

А.В. Вознесенский – Азбуки, буквари, грамматики, словари XVI-XVII веков // A. Voznesensky – 16th-17th Century ABC Books, Grammars and Dictionaries

Азбуки, буквари, грамматики, словари XVI-XVII веков - Галерея изображений // 16th-17th Century ABC Books, Grammars and Dictionaries - Image Gallery


БУКВАРЬ • Большая российская энциклопедия

Азбуки Ивана Федорова, ero учеников и последователей: Е.Л. Немировский; Под общ. ред. Ю.Э. Шустовой - Пятигорск: СНЕГ, 2015. - 272 с.: ил. - СОДЕРЖАНИЕ

V. Educational Materials

PDF – Classroom Materials

Varunin P.G., Morozova N.A. - Родное слово детей староверов Эстонии. Tartu, 2010 г. [PDF]

Прописи церковнославянские для детей (2001 г.) [PDF]

Учись читать по-церковнославянски [PDF]